Ripple Effects – Building a Legacy

Now that we’re into the new year, many have made goals or resolutions, or chosen a word for the year. While I have those things swirling around in my brain, another thought is taking hold. It’s “Ripple Effects.” I’ve been thinking a lot about ripple effects in life....

Finding Gratitude When Life is Hard

I haven’t blogged in a while, but recently I had the opportunity to write a blog for Twyla Franz, who has done an entire blog series on Gratitude. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write a post for her, and I’m thankful to have done it. The post...
The Wall that Divides Us

The Wall that Divides Us

The world today is divided. I think we all recognize that. The “us” versus “them” mentality is thriving. But let’s dig down a little deeper: define who is us and who is them? Who are we divided against? There is so much division fueled by anger, that it’s difficult to...