Finding Gratitude When Life is Hard

I haven’t blogged in a while, but recently I had the opportunity to write a blog for Twyla Franz, who has done an entire blog series on Gratitude. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write a post for her, and I’m thankful to have done it. The post...
The Cancer Journeys: The Gift of Peace

The Cancer Journeys: The Gift of Peace

It’s been a while since I’ve written a cancer blog. Admittedly, they are difficult to write. And now, someone close to me is nearing the end of his life due to cancer. It’s hard. In watching this person face the end of his life, and to watch those close to this dear...
Learning to Trust God…The Hard Way

The Reality of Faith, Trust, and a Positive Attitude

I’m a big believer in having a positive attitude. I believe that your attitude can get you through life’s tough times….or it can defeat you. But what happens when your world stops? There are times in your life when your immediate world shifts on its axis, while the...