by Rebecca Yauger | Jul 14, 2020 | choices, choose, Christian walk, encouragement, faith in Christ, faithfulness, fear, focus on today, God's plan, gratitude, life, thankfulness, today, trust, trusting God
I’m a big believer in having a positive attitude. I believe that your attitude can get you through life’s tough times….or it can defeat you. But what happens when your world stops? There are times in your life when your immediate world shifts on its axis, while the...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 16, 2020 | choices, choose, faith in Christ, God's plan, hope, trusting God
It’s a tough time in our world – chaotic, confusing, and disheartening. It’s easy to get negative and cynical, and definitely easy to question God and His plan for us. Generally, I’m someone who has a positive attitude, and I do my best to see all sides of an issue,...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 9, 2020 | choices, choose, faith in Christ, faithfulness, family, fear, focus on today, friends, God is there, God's plan, hope
Simplify is a word that keeps coming up again and again. Right now, the world has turned upside down and we’re wrestling with the loss of freedom and control. This includes those who have lost their jobs or homes or loved ones. For those who are trying to just...
by Rebecca Yauger | Mar 26, 2020 | blessings, encouragement, faith in Christ, fear, focus on today, God is there, God's plan, gratitude, grief, hope, life, reconnecting, Simplify, Cleanse, support, thankfulness, time together, today, trust, trusting God, type-A
The world has turned upside down, hasn’t it? Most everything in our lives has changed and it’s hard to wrestle with that change. Maybe that’s why I’m struggling so much to write these days or to find any kind of structure at home. I’m wrestling with the changes in our...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 7, 2019 | blessings, breast cancer, cancer, celebration, check-ups, choose, encouragement, focus on today, God's plan, hope, inspiration, life
Ten years. Cancer free. It almost seems unbelievable, how fast it’s all gone. I’ve been thinking about this anniversary, and as usual, I seem to be stuffing my inner most feelings. I’m afraid to go that deep. I should have some words of wisdom or some deep reflection...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 3, 2019 | a new direction, focus on today, God's plan, God's Word, life, my journey, quiet, seasons
Right now seems to be a season of flux for me. It looks like some changes are coming. For one, I’m taking a break right now from working on any novels. I am still writing daily using a writing prompt, and I hope to work on this blog a little more. But I will...