by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 29, 2014 | a new direction, adventure, choices, cycles of life, God's plan, growing older, leap of faith, pursuit of dreams., trusting God
What’s the old saying? The only thing that is constant is change. Something like that. I’ve been thinking recently about transitions in life. Although we may say we wish our kids would stay little, or that we could stay in high school or college forever,...
by Rebecca Yauger | May 14, 2014 | blended families, blessings, choices, family ties, parenting
Mother’s Day weekend just passed and during this time of honoring my Mom, I’m also thankful to be a Mom. But me being a Mom is tribute to my kids. As most of you know, I married a widower who had two children. So, I became an instant Mother on my wedding...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 15, 2014 | blessings, cancer, celebration, choices, Christian walk, friends, friendship, life, life after cancer, maintaining friends, my journey, prayer, recovery, relationships, support, survivors, True friends, trust
This blog is entitled “Talking Among Friends” for a reason. I want it to be a safe place to talk about friendships, relationships and life in general. Originally, this blog started out as “Rebecca’s Journey,” where I wrote about my...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 2, 2014 | choices, faithfulness, friends, friendship, God is there, life, prayer, reaching out, support, True friends, trust
Our church just had a ladies retreat weekend. I wasn’t able to go, however, two of the ladies in my life group reported on the retreat. Sounds like I missed a good one. The theme was about being vulnerable. When we’re vulnerable and open to others, we...
by Rebecca Yauger | Mar 12, 2014 | choices, discipline, encouragement, friends, God's plan, life, positive attitude, relationships, thankfulness, Uncategorized, work
I’m busy right now — like most people these days. There are times when I feel completely overwhelmed, but if I break it down, there’s a lot of time wasted in my day. Social media is one time-sucker. I enjoy Facebook. I love that a lot of my...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jan 28, 2014 | choices, Diet/Exercise, empowerment, positive attitude, pursuit of dreams., tennis, Uncategorized, work
When we think of “discipline,” most of us have an immediate negative reaction. Okay, at least I do. Yet, somewhere deep down, we know that discipline can be a good thing. It’s just that being disciplined doesn’t sound like any fun....