by Rebecca Yauger | Jan 7, 2025 | ancestors, attitude, blessings, choices, Christmas, cycles of life, encouragement, faith, family, family ties, grandchildren, Grandparents, gratitude, grief, growing older, life, positive attitude, Ripple Effects, small moments, thankfulness
Now that we’re into the new year, many have made goals or resolutions, or chosen a word for the year. While I have those things swirling around in my brain, another thought is taking hold. It’s “Ripple Effects.” I’ve been thinking a lot about ripple effects in life....
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 27, 2024 | choices, choose, Christian walk, cycles of life, encouragement, faithfulness, fear, God is there, gratitude, learning, life, living for today, positive attitude, thankfulness, trusting God
I haven’t blogged in a while, but recently I had the opportunity to write a blog for Twyla Franz, who has done an entire blog series on Gratitude. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write a post for her, and I’m thankful to have done it. The post...
by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 6, 2022 | learning, life, perception, positive attitude, small moments, thankfulness, today
A note from Becky: This is a blog from 2014 that I’ve revised. The words still hold true today. I’m feeling like a bit of a louse recently. Whether I can cite how busy work is, or other stress, that doesn’t excuse poor behavior. I was unintentionally...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 1, 2021 | agree to disagree, choices, encouragement, friends, friendship, Kindness, learning, perception, share, talking, teachable spirit, thankfulness, True friends, trust
I have a great group of friends. I’m very, very thankful for that. We can talk, laugh, and cry together. Recently, an issue came up, and I discovered that I’m at odds with most of my friends. During a dinner discussion one evening with this particular group of...
by Rebecca Yauger | Mar 4, 2021 | a new direction, blessings, breast cancer, cancer, cancer recurrence, choose, encouragement, faith, God is there, gratitude, grief, hope, illness, inspiration, my journey, recovery, scars, support, surgery, thankfulness, today, treatment
I’m currently planning a series of blog posts about cancer, called “The Cancer Journeys.” This will be a series of posts about my journeys with cancer that are designed to give someone else hope and courage, no matter what you’re going through. As I was gathering old...
by Rebecca Yauger | Feb 4, 2021 | blessings, choices, cousins, cycles of life, family, family ties, life, support, thankfulness, uncles
Last summer was difficult in many ways, with the pandemic and a nation divided. Closer to home, the issue was a major health crisis with my parents; one had the health issue, and the other had to helplessly watch their spouse decline, then fight back. It was a...