by Rebecca Yauger | Feb 18, 2020 | choices, choose, discouragement, encouragement, family ties, grandchildren, hope, life, new beginnings, reflections, self-love, support
The link below is to a video following up on last week’s “How do we talk to ourselves when we look in the mirror?” Apparently I wasn’t paying attention to my own words. Video Link: I Didn’t Watch My Words Here’s the text from the...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jan 9, 2020 | choices, life, type-A
Let’s get real about laundry. Get real about laundry? What is she talking about? Okay, I guess I’m talking about completion. My husband calls himself a “compulsive finisher.” He rarely quits a project before it’s complete. Sometimes he...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 7, 2019 | blessings, breast cancer, cancer, celebration, check-ups, choose, encouragement, focus on today, God's plan, hope, inspiration, life
Ten years. Cancer free. It almost seems unbelievable, how fast it’s all gone. I’ve been thinking about this anniversary, and as usual, I seem to be stuffing my inner most feelings. I’m afraid to go that deep. I should have some words of wisdom or some deep reflection...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 3, 2019 | a new direction, focus on today, God's plan, God's Word, life, my journey, quiet, seasons
Right now seems to be a season of flux for me. It looks like some changes are coming. For one, I’m taking a break right now from working on any novels. I am still writing daily using a writing prompt, and I hope to work on this blog a little more. But I will...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 9, 2017 | choices, Christian walk, faith in Christ, God's plan, Jimmy Stewart, life, positive attitude, prayer, Respect, trusting God
This past weekend, the Senior Pastor at my church delivered a message called “Know Your Enemy.” Our enemy is Satan, a fallen angel. This enemy can have us turn on each other. He can have us do things that take us further from our walk with Christ. Our...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 26, 2016 | just show up, life
Last month, I posted about falling in the grocery store. Now, I’m beginning to wonder if I should just quit shopping. Or if I need to go to a different store. Last week, while I wasn’t at the same store, I was at the same chain of that particular store. It...