by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 17, 2014 | blessings, choices, choose, faith in Christ, faithfulness, God's plan, Guest Post, hope, prayer
NOTE FROM BECKY: Hi everyone. My friend and fellow writer, Jennifer Slattery, is guesting on my blog today — with a great message of hope. Please enjoy! In Our Darkest Moments: by Jennifer Slattery I stood in the back of a large, cafeteria-styled...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 29, 2014 | a new direction, adventure, choices, cycles of life, God's plan, growing older, leap of faith, pursuit of dreams., trusting God
What’s the old saying? The only thing that is constant is change. Something like that. I’ve been thinking recently about transitions in life. Although we may say we wish our kids would stay little, or that we could stay in high school or college forever,...
by Rebecca Yauger | May 28, 2014 | encouragement, fear, focus on today, God's plan, just show up, teachable spirit, tennis
The words “expect the unexpected” should be a familiar phrase to most of us. It illustrates what life is all about. Just when we think things are routine or even boring… BAM! Something unexpected comes along. Most who know me, know that I’m...
by Rebecca Yauger | Mar 12, 2014 | choices, discipline, encouragement, friends, God's plan, life, positive attitude, relationships, thankfulness, Uncategorized, work
I’m busy right now — like most people these days. There are times when I feel completely overwhelmed, but if I break it down, there’s a lot of time wasted in my day. Social media is one time-sucker. I enjoy Facebook. I love that a lot of my...
by Rebecca Yauger | Feb 26, 2014 | cycles of life, dreams, God is there, God's plan, Hollywood, life, look around, trusting God
In watching the Winter Olympics over the past few weeks, it struck me that many of these athletes more than likely became athletes because of where they were born or living at the time they became passionate about their sport. I know that’s not always true...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 16, 2009 | ACFW, God's plan, my journey
Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted on my blog. It’s titled “Rebecca’s Journey”, but I’m certainly not sharing very much of my journey. Maybe I’m not meant to be a blogger. I’m too private. LOL :)God is...