by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 15, 2014 | blessings, cancer, celebration, choices, Christian walk, friends, friendship, life, life after cancer, maintaining friends, my journey, prayer, recovery, relationships, support, survivors, True friends, trust
This blog is entitled “Talking Among Friends” for a reason. I want it to be a safe place to talk about friendships, relationships and life in general. Originally, this blog started out as “Rebecca’s Journey,” where I wrote about my...
by Rebecca Yauger | Dec 23, 2013 | Christian walk, Christmas, Uncategorized
We all want to focus on the “reason for the season” at Christmas and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. But it’s very easy to get swept up in the commercialism, present-buying, and traveling hoopla that also surrounds Christmas. I admit it… I...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 29, 2013 | Christian walk, courtesy, perception, Respect
Our pastor of worship arts gave a great message over the weekend. I’ve been pondering his words for the past few days. He spoke about Christians living in a bubble and how we need to step out from that bubble. And when we step out of that bubble, how are we...