Discipline — part 2

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Last week, I wrote a post entitled “Discipline is not a dirty word.”  You can find it here: http://talkingamongfriends.com/2014/01/28/discipline-is-not-a-dirty-word/

I received some good, thought provoking responses to that blog that I’d like to share:

“‘Discipline’ is so misunderstood! Maybe we should look at it as a way of training ourselves to reach our potential. Guidance and facilitation from our elders are needed initially in this process, but ultimately, isn’t discipline an internal journey?”

“Why, indeed, do we balk at what we know is good for us? I think we rebel against ourselves. And against the voices of authority in our heads.”

“It’s discipline, not desire, that changes things”.

I like these thoughts. They can be positive mantras in our world:

1. Discipline is training ourselves to reach our potential. (We’ll see tons of evidence of that as the Olympics open this week).

2. Don’t balk at what’s good for us.

3. It’s discipline, not desire, that changes things.  Although you need to have the desire to dream and the courage to pursue it through a disciplined life.

What do you think?  What positives can we take by being more disciplined in our lives, by striving to reach our best.  How do we make the internal journey something that shines outwardly? I’d love to hear your ideas!



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  1. Laura Hodges

    I Love the idea that discipline is an internal journey that shines outwardly. Think about how the LACK of discipline in someone is displayed outwardly! Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, and Lindsey Lohan come to mind immediately, but we all know regular people that fit into this category. Counter these images with people whose disciplined journey “shines” outwardly. Are you thinking of someone like Nelson Mandela or Malala, or an every day person in your life who seems to have it all together on an inspiring level. I like to look at discipline as the process of striving to better ourselves, one day and purposeful decision at a time.

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Laura, I like what you say about “purposeful decisions.” Sometimes we don’t shine with the decisions we make, and other times we do. And yes, both the positive and negative examples are all around us.
      Thanks for your great thoughts on this.


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