by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 29, 2015 | blessings, family, focus on today, God is there, life, living for today, look around, today, trusting God
I had written a post back in 2013 called “The Last Normal Day.” Recent events in my world having me pondering this again. Everything changed for my family about 10 days ago. Changes that have us on quite the roller coaster ride. The good news...
by Rebecca Yauger | Aug 26, 2014 | blessings, choices, encouragement, faithfulness, fear, focus on today, just show up, living for today, positive attitude, today, trusting God
“We’re looking so forward to tomorrow that we’re tripping over today. God has placed you where you are, right now, totally on purpose.” 31 Days to Thrive, Day 24, from Casting Crowns. Those words particularly struck me this morning. I was wide awake the night before...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 29, 2014 | a new direction, adventure, choices, cycles of life, God's plan, growing older, leap of faith, pursuit of dreams., trusting God
What’s the old saying? The only thing that is constant is change. Something like that. I’ve been thinking recently about transitions in life. Although we may say we wish our kids would stay little, or that we could stay in high school or college forever,...
by Rebecca Yauger | Feb 26, 2014 | cycles of life, dreams, God is there, God's plan, Hollywood, life, look around, trusting God
In watching the Winter Olympics over the past few weeks, it struck me that many of these athletes more than likely became athletes because of where they were born or living at the time they became passionate about their sport. I know that’s not always true...
by Rebecca Yauger | Dec 31, 2013 | blessings, choose, focus on today, gratitude, new beginnings, thankfulness, today, trusting God, walk worthy
I’ve talked about gratitude before in a post from September, and I’m going to recycle part of that post again today. I think it’s especially fitting as we face the New Year. Thankfulness should come more than every November. We need to live our...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 14, 2013 | CBS Sunday Morning, encouragement, inspiration, military, music, soldiers, stand4heroes, trusting God, veterans day
I saw a story on CBS Sunday Morning this past weekend about wounded warriors playing music, lead by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. One of these hero warriors lost a hand and both legs in Afghanistan. He told the story of how when his world was crashing down around...