by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 29, 2015 | blessings, family, focus on today, God is there, life, living for today, look around, today, trusting God
I had written a post back in 2013 called “The Last Normal Day.” Recent events in my world having me pondering this again. Everything changed for my family about 10 days ago. Changes that have us on quite the roller coaster ride. The good news...
by Rebecca Yauger | Dec 30, 2014 | blessings, choose, encouragement, faith in Christ, focus on today, God's plan, inspiration, life, perception, today, trust
If you’re like me, you know several people who choose “one word” for the year and try to live by that word. I’ve done it myself. Many are talking about it now as we’re preparing to go into the new year. This has got me thinking (always a...
by Rebecca Yauger | Aug 12, 2014 | blessings, care, choose, cycles of life, discouragement, empowerment, encouragement, family ties, focus on today, friendship, God is there, hope, illness, inspiration, just show up, life, reaching out, reflections, relationships, self-love, small moments, support, taking a chance, thankfulness, time together, today, trust
As I write this, the world is talking about the shocking passing of Robin Williams. As the TV talking heads are going through his television and movie credits, I realize how many of his movies I’ve seen… and loved. It is incredibly sad to lose such a...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jul 9, 2014 | agree to disagree, choices, Christian walk, faith in Christ, life, perception, Uncategorized
Are there times when you feel like you’re going against the tide? Or that your beliefs are counter to the world’s beliefs? These days as a Christian, I feel like I’m swimming upstream. I long for a time when people knew it was okay to “agree to...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 15, 2014 | blessings, cancer, celebration, choices, Christian walk, friends, friendship, life, life after cancer, maintaining friends, my journey, prayer, recovery, relationships, support, survivors, True friends, trust
This blog is entitled “Talking Among Friends” for a reason. I want it to be a safe place to talk about friendships, relationships and life in general. Originally, this blog started out as “Rebecca’s Journey,” where I wrote about my...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 2, 2014 | choices, faithfulness, friends, friendship, God is there, life, prayer, reaching out, support, True friends, trust
Our church just had a ladies retreat weekend. I wasn’t able to go, however, two of the ladies in my life group reported on the retreat. Sounds like I missed a good one. The theme was about being vulnerable. When we’re vulnerable and open to others, we...