by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 15, 2014 | blessings, cancer, celebration, choices, Christian walk, friends, friendship, life, life after cancer, maintaining friends, my journey, prayer, recovery, relationships, support, survivors, True friends, trust
This blog is entitled “Talking Among Friends” for a reason. I want it to be a safe place to talk about friendships, relationships and life in general. Originally, this blog started out as “Rebecca’s Journey,” where I wrote about my...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 2, 2014 | choices, faithfulness, friends, friendship, God is there, life, prayer, reaching out, support, True friends, trust
Our church just had a ladies retreat weekend. I wasn’t able to go, however, two of the ladies in my life group reported on the retreat. Sounds like I missed a good one. The theme was about being vulnerable. When we’re vulnerable and open to others, we...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 25, 2013 | friendship, maintaining friends, movies, seasons
I’m dating myself, but one of my favorite movies is “The Four Seasons” from 1981 with Alan Alda, Carol Burnett, Rita Moreno and more. The movie is about three couples, all in their 40s with college-aged kids, who vacation together and share their...
by Rebecca Yauger | Mar 26, 2013 | friendship, True friends, trust
As we take this blog in a new direction by examining relationships, I find myself examining my own relationships. Comments from a couple of friends of mine have really stuck in my head. These people have mentioned offhandedly that I am too private, that I don’t...
by Rebecca Yauger | Aug 25, 2010 | ACFW, DFW ReadyWriters, friendship, life after cancer, The Writing Life
So, here I sit, one-year later…. one year of being cancer free and adjusting to my new body. But how well have I really adjusted to my new life? After surviving a life-threatening disease, you come out of it renewed, ready to live life to the maximum....
by Rebecca Yauger | May 2, 2010 | breast cancer, DCIS, diagnosis, friendship
A friend of mine was just diagnosed with DCIS. For those who don’t know, DCIS stands for Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ. If you have to get breast cancer, well, this is the one to get. It’s very treatable, very curable if caught early. My friend has had the...