by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 9, 2020 | choices, choose, faith in Christ, faithfulness, family, fear, focus on today, friends, God is there, God's plan, hope
Simplify is a word that keeps coming up again and again. Right now, the world has turned upside down and we’re wrestling with the loss of freedom and control. This includes those who have lost their jobs or homes or loved ones. For those who are trying to just...
by Rebecca Yauger | Mar 13, 2020 | choices, faith in Christ, faithfulness, fear, God is there, hope, illness, life, trust, trusting God
I’m not sure what to write these days. This post is a day late already. Right now, the world is dealing with the Coronavirus, more formally known as Covid-19. And part of me wants to be cautious and not fall into panic mode. And part of me is nearly rolling my...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jan 7, 2016 | blessings, choose, encouragement, faithfulness, family ties, focus on today, God's plan
Our message last week at church was called “The Unchosen Path.” And wow, did that title resonate with me when I thought about 2015. It was definitely the year of walking a path I did not choose! I’ve called 2015 my year of change. Everything turned...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 13, 2014 | blessings, cancer, choices, choose, cycles of life, encouragement, faithfulness, God is there, positive attitude, Uncategorized
It’s amazing how things in your life can change in the blink of an eye… and take you into a completely new direction. I’ve experienced this personally with my own journey with cancer. It profoundly changes you. Losing parents and family members will...
by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 17, 2014 | blessings, choices, choose, faith in Christ, faithfulness, God's plan, Guest Post, hope, prayer
NOTE FROM BECKY: Hi everyone. My friend and fellow writer, Jennifer Slattery, is guesting on my blog today — with a great message of hope. Please enjoy! In Our Darkest Moments: by Jennifer Slattery I stood in the back of a large, cafeteria-styled...
by Rebecca Yauger | Aug 26, 2014 | blessings, choices, encouragement, faithfulness, fear, focus on today, just show up, living for today, positive attitude, today, trusting God
“We’re looking so forward to tomorrow that we’re tripping over today. God has placed you where you are, right now, totally on purpose.” 31 Days to Thrive, Day 24, from Casting Crowns. Those words particularly struck me this morning. I was wide awake the night before...