Words from the past and present: Make the Decision

Words from the past and present: Make the Decision

On my last post, I revisited an older blog about “Taking Action” and how I’m carrying that idea through to now. Today, I’m revisiting another old post, and giving an update on how I’m doing with taking action. Words from the Past: The Daily Decision You know those...
Words from the past and present: Taking Action

Words from the past and present: Taking Action

As I sat down to write a new post for this blog, I realized there was a recurring theme from previous posts. That theme is self-doubt and fear. Today, I’m re-visiting an old post, Smacked and sharing more thoughts for today. Words from the past: Smacked! A couple of...
The Wall that Divides Us

The Wall that Divides Us

The world today is divided. I think we all recognize that. The “us” versus “them” mentality is thriving. But let’s dig down a little deeper: define who is us and who is them? Who are we divided against? There is so much division fueled by anger, that it’s difficult to...