Words from the past and present: Taking Action

Words from the past and present: Taking Action

As I sat down to write a new post for this blog, I realized there was a recurring theme from previous posts. That theme is self-doubt and fear. Today, I’m re-visiting an old post, Smacked and sharing more thoughts for today. Words from the past: Smacked! A couple of...
Interview with Author Erica Vetsch

Interview with Author Erica Vetsch

If you’re a book lover like I am, then you’ll enjoy this new project I’m doing with my friend Rebecca Reed. It’s Rebecca and Rebecca: Reading Writing Reviewing. Rebecca and I read books, then review them, then talk to the author about them! Our...
Do you love books?

Do you love books?

I’m doing a new thing with my friend, Rebecca Reed. We’ve started a YouTube channel, as well as a podcast. We’ll be reviewing a book one month, and the next month, we’ll interview the author about the book. If you’re a book lover, then we...