by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 14, 2013 | CBS Sunday Morning, encouragement, inspiration, military, music, soldiers, stand4heroes, trusting God, veterans day
I saw a story on CBS Sunday Morning this past weekend about wounded warriors playing music, lead by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. One of these hero warriors lost a hand and both legs in Afghanistan. He told the story of how when his world was crashing down around...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 14, 2013 | military, music, soldiers. inspiration, trusting God, veterans day, wounded warriors
I saw a story on CBS Sunday Morning this past weekend about wounded warriors playing music, lead by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd.One of these hero warriors lost a hand and both legs in Afghanistan. He told the story of how when his world was crashing down around him,...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 5, 2013 | Ferris Bueller, focus on today, look around, multi-tasking
I saw a quote this week from a friend on Facebook: Whatever happened to being in the moment when you do something?It got me to thinking. Are we all so busy multi-tasking that we forget to be in the moment? To enjoy what’s going on right this minute?I know...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 29, 2013 | Christian walk, courtesy, perception, Respect
Our pastor of worship arts gave a great message over the weekend. I’ve been pondering his words for the past few days. He spoke about Christians living in a bubble and how we need to step out from that bubble. And when we step out of that bubble, how are we...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 22, 2013 | cancer, celebration, cycles of life, illness, wedding
It’s been an interesting week. I’m seeing the cycles of life, so to speak. We received word that my aunt, who is in poor health, had taken a turn for the worst. Her kids and family were gathering around to spend time with her. A few days later, my...