by Rebecca Yauger | Feb 18, 2020 | choices, choose, discouragement, encouragement, family ties, grandchildren, hope, life, new beginnings, reflections, self-love, support
The link below is to a video following up on last week’s “How do we talk to ourselves when we look in the mirror?” Apparently I wasn’t paying attention to my own words. Video Link: I Didn’t Watch My Words Here’s the text from the...
by Rebecca Yauger | Feb 12, 2020 | empowerment, encouragement, negativity, positive attitude
The link below is to a video about how we talk to ourselves, whether we’re negative or positive. If you don’t have a few minutes to watch the video, the text of it is also below. Video Link: How Are You Talking To Yourself? Video Text: There’s a...
by Rebecca Yauger | Feb 6, 2020 | beauty, care, choices, choose, Guest Post, negativity
For some time, I’ve wanted to write about how negative we are to ourselves, how we pick on ourselves and how we don’t love who we are as we are. Recently, not one, but two other bloggers have broached this topic, and they’ve written about it so much...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jan 30, 2020 | choices, discipline, discouragement, focus on today, trusting God
So far, the posts on this blog this year have been about resolutions, starting again, frustration, — all the things associated with a new year. Last week, I talked about being a pinball wizard, or more accurately, being the ball that’s bounced around in a...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jan 23, 2020 | choices, choose, positive attitude, prayer, Time Management, trusting God, work, writing
@RebeccaYauger I don’t know if this is true for you, but it seems in the past week or so, I feel like a ball in a pinball machine, just being bounced around from side to side, and up and down. Like most of us, I started the new year with goals, dreams, and aspirations...