The Real Reason for the Season

by | Christian walk, Christmas, Uncategorized | 0 comments

We all want to focus on the “reason for the season” at Christmas and celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

But it’s very easy to get swept up in the commercialism, present-buying, and traveling hoopla that also surrounds Christmas.  I admit it… I love a lot of it.

Tonight, our church began the first of five “Christmas Eve” services (two of those services being on the eve of Christmas Eve).  And while we did many of the wonderful traditional things of Christmas, like singing “Silent Night” by candlelight, our worship team also threw out a curve ball.

One of my favorite worship songs this year has been “Great Are You Lord.”  Its chorus of “You’re the Breath in my Lungs, so we pour out our praise” has echoed within me since I heard the song.

Tonight, our worship team included it in our Christmas celebration.  And thinking about this song as part of Jesus’ birth, knowing that God the Father sent his only son to earth and that his son would die for us… well… it brought tears to my eyes and touched me in such a profound way tonight. The true meaning of Jesus is the Reason for the Season hit my heart like a lightning bolt.

As I said, I’ve loved this song since I first heard it, but tonight, at the celebration of Christmas, I listened to it in a whole new way.

Here’s the link for you to enjoy, listed below.  Wishing you all a very Merry and most Blessed Christmas.

“Great Are You Lord” from All Sons and Daughters -LIVE (OFFICIAL)

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  1. DEC. 24 – CHRISTMAS EVE – Columbus, Cook and President Truman | PA Pundits - International - […] The Real Reason for the Season ( […]
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