Just some brief thoughts today on having a spirit of gratitude.  I had the pleasure of speaking at my local ACFW chapter this past weekend, the DFW Ready Writers, now DFW-ACFW.  And in my closing remarks, I spoke about working with a spirit of thankfulness.

Sometimes in this world, we’re frustrated with our job, marriage, family, co-workers and more.  But what would happen if we approached each day with an attitude of thankfulness. Being thankful that we have a job, home, spouse, family and more.
How would that change your attitude?

Something to think about.  

Below are my closing comments from the speaking engagement with DFW-ACFW.  It’s geared toward writers, but I think all of us can find a nugget worth thinking about.
We all know this is a tough business… but we all know that God has called us here.  Called us to write.  So, while he equips us to do the hard work that must be done, we also need to trust Him to get our words into the hands of the reader who needs to see that message the most.  So, we can get twisted up with are we doing enough marketing, do we have the right platform, etc.  That’s all important.  But we also need to trust God.

Remember to pray over your work daily… daily.  

Romans 12:1 from the Message says:

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you:  Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering.” 

Do your work with a spirit of gratitude…thanking God for your abilities and thanking him for what he’s going to do with your story…. Place it before God as an offering.  The audience of one!

Walk Worthy of Your Calling.
Whatever we’re called to do in this life — we need to walk worthy.

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