by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 19, 2013 | choose, Diet/Exercise, discouragement, empowerment, encouragement, focus on today, new beginnings, today
There are times when I get down on myself and I get in my own way of trying to accomplish what I need to accomplish. How do I get in my own way? With negativity! Take this past week, for example. I have been an eating machine! After losing 85 pounds recently, it...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 5, 2013 | Ferris Bueller, focus on today, look around, multi-tasking
I saw a quote this week from a friend on Facebook: Whatever happened to being in the moment when you do something?It got me to thinking. Are we all so busy multi-tasking that we forget to be in the moment? To enjoy what’s going on right this minute?I know...