by Rebecca Yauger | Jan 9, 2020 | choices, life, type-A
Let’s get real about laundry. Get real about laundry? What is she talking about? Okay, I guess I’m talking about completion. My husband calls himself a “compulsive finisher.” He rarely quits a project before it’s complete. Sometimes he...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jul 18, 2019 | blessings, breast cancer, cancer, cancer recurrence, celebration, choices, God's blessings, life after cancer, mastecomy, perception, today
Have you ever reached a point where you feel like things are crashing down around you? You’re burnt out with your job, annoyed with your spouse, even fed-up with friends? Nothing’s really wrong, except that you just feel fried by life. You need a vacation!...
by Rebecca Yauger | Nov 9, 2017 | choices, Christian walk, faith in Christ, God's plan, Jimmy Stewart, life, positive attitude, prayer, Respect, trusting God
This past weekend, the Senior Pastor at my church delivered a message called “Know Your Enemy.” Our enemy is Satan, a fallen angel. This enemy can have us turn on each other. He can have us do things that take us further from our walk with Christ. Our...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 8, 2017 | choices, Simplify, Cleanse
Have you ever reached a point where your stuff overwhelms you? Stuff meaning your material possessions, your social media or any other distractions that take you away from your family or work. Recently, my husband and I did a remodel of our kitchen. We took down a...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 26, 2016 | a new direction, choices, choose, discipline, dreams, encouragement, fear, pursuit of dreams.
You know those times when you’re reading a blog post or a meme and something just jumps out at you and smacks you in the face. It’s happened to me a couple of times. (Hmmm… I need to put all of those sayings together so I can remember what smacked me in...
by Rebecca Yauger | Aug 18, 2016 | breast cancer, cancer, care, choices, life after cancer, survivors, trust, trusting God
I recognized the look in my friend’s eyes. I could see beyond her smile and her hugs. Deep inside, I saw fear. Fear of the unknown she is facing, and the new path she’s now walking. You see, my friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I could see...