Grace and Peace

Grace and Peace

How often do we think about the words “grace” and “peace?” The apostle Paul opened the many letters he penned in Scripture with the greeting of “grace and peace.” If you think about it, the words are always in that order: grace first, then peace....
Being Extraordinary

Being Extraordinary

I love movies! Anyone who knows me knows that I love watching movies, and I will watch and analyze the same movie over and over again. Besides the entertainment value, movies can be inspirational. Sister Act from Buena Vista Pictures One such movie is “Sister Act”...
The Pain of Unforgiveness

The Pain of Unforgiveness

I recently journaled about forgiveness, or more accurately, accepting forgiveness. I wrote, what I thought, was a pretty powerful piece about guilt and worthiness, and how we should accept forgiveness when it’s offered, even if we don’t feel like we deserve it. God...