by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 15, 2013 | running away, spontanaity, spontaneous, whim
Was there ever a time in your childhood that you felt like running away from home? That seems so silly looking back, because as Dorothy Gale said, “There’s no place like home.”Even as adults, we sometimes want to run away from home. Take my husband...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 8, 2013 | ancestors, aunts, cousins, family, family ties, history, reunions, uncles
Families can be complicated, can’t they? We feel lost if we don’t have them, yet sometimes, well…Recently, my family had our annual Cousin Reunion. A reunion of cousins, you may ask? Yep. You see, there are a whole bunch of us. 56 first cousins. ...
by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 24, 2013 | gratitude, thankfulness, walk worthy
Just some brief thoughts today on having a spirit of gratitude. I had the pleasure of speaking at my local ACFW chapter this past weekend, the DFW Ready Writers, now DFW-ACFW. And in my closing remarks, I spoke about working with a spirit of thankfulness.Sometimes...
by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 17, 2013 | ACFW, ACFW conference, faithfulness, God is there, just show up, obedience
I’ve just returned from the wonderful American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference in Indianapolis. For full disclosure, I work for ACFW, but there’s a reason I work for them, and ran for and served on the operating board. I love this...
by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 10, 2013 | a new direction, career changes, leap of faith, taking a chance
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about the “Pioneer Spirit.” And the week before that, we talked about “Living an Adventurous Life.”Do you sense a theme here? I’m now struggling with making my own leap of faith, while seeing others...