by Rebecca Yauger | Aug 12, 2014 | blessings, care, choose, cycles of life, discouragement, empowerment, encouragement, family ties, focus on today, friendship, God is there, hope, illness, inspiration, just show up, life, reaching out, reflections, relationships, self-love, small moments, support, taking a chance, thankfulness, time together, today, trust
As I write this, the world is talking about the shocking passing of Robin Williams. As the TV talking heads are going through his television and movie credits, I realize how many of his movies I’ve seen… and loved. It is incredibly sad to lose such a...
by Rebecca Yauger | Aug 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
I haven’t written in a few weeks because I’m not sure what I have to say these days…. and truthfully, I’m wallowing a little bit. Wallowing, feeling sorry for myself, just a little sad. Okay, I have good reason for my sadness. Two of my aunts...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jul 9, 2014 | agree to disagree, choices, Christian walk, faith in Christ, life, perception, Uncategorized
Are there times when you feel like you’re going against the tide? Or that your beliefs are counter to the world’s beliefs? These days as a Christian, I feel like I’m swimming upstream. I long for a time when people knew it was okay to “agree to...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jul 2, 2014 | blessings, family, family ties, Guest Post, relationships, reunions
A note from Becky: As a lot of you know, I come from a large extended family, and enjoy time with them, as well as with my husband’s family. Summer time seems to bring out the occasions of family gatherings, including graduations, weddings and family...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 29, 2014 | a new direction, adventure, choices, cycles of life, God's plan, growing older, leap of faith, pursuit of dreams., trusting God
What’s the old saying? The only thing that is constant is change. Something like that. I’ve been thinking recently about transitions in life. Although we may say we wish our kids would stay little, or that we could stay in high school or college forever,...