We Need Each Other

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I spent this evening attending a book signing for one of my author friends.  She previously had an e-book released, but this was her first print book, one I know she has worked on a long time.  It was wonderful to celebrate her release day with her.

What was even better was how many of us writer friends came out to support her as well.  We were definitely having our own little party!  Writing can be a lonely business, especially when you’re up against a deadline.  And nights like tonight show how much we need each other, to pull us through the times when we think we’re incapable of filling that blank page, or to celebrate the release of books by our friends, like this evening’s gathering.

We all need community in one way or the other.  My husband and I have our dearest friends through our church community.  Individually, he enjoys volunteering for the Texas State Guard, while I have my writing buddies.

Growing up in a military family, other military families on base became our community.  Neighborhoods, schools, work — those are all places where we can find those who walk a similar path, with whom we can share life.

It’s too easy to get caught up with only those members of our household — spouses, kids, even parents.  But the truth remains, it is important to have community, and have those special friendships outside of our own families.

Getting to tonight’s books signing wasn’t easy for me.  It was 45 minutes across Dallas traffic and the book signing was at the peak of rush hour.  But I left in the afternoon, met my writing partner for a very early dinner near the site of the signing, then enjoyed seeing the rest of our writing group later. Dinner with my friend was a treat, and sharing hugs with fellow scribes capped off the evening in a joyous way.  It took effort to do this, but it was well worth it.

So, while it may be easier to stay home, or focus on your own family, there are occasions when we must make the effort and take the time to join in “community.”  Make it a priority, for friendships truly enrich your life.


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