Trust Without Borders

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CornucopiaThis time of year, our focus shifts to the holidays, to gifts, family, decorations and sometimes chaos.  For Thanksgiving, we acknowledge our blessings and share gratitude.

This year, sadly, I’m seeing and hearing about tough times for many people… the loss of loved ones, whether expected or unexpectedly, hard times, and a general lack of joy.  I’m also remembering a dear friend we lost a year ago to cancer.

Sadness can overwhelm us, especially during this time of year.  If we’ve lost someone, that loss is felt even more deeply.  If we have financial difficulties or are in tough times, those problems are magnified right now.

How can we combat that?  The “easy” answer is prayer.  But prayer doesn’t always come easily.  However, we need to do it, daily.

We played a song at church this past weekend that talked about “trust without borders.”  Those words seared into my mind.

What does it mean to trust without borders?

In my opinion:
1. Pray daily. Even when it’s hard. Do it!
2. Trust that God has a plan.  Trust without borders mean limitless trust.
3. God is still with us, even in our sorrow.  Especially in our sorrow.
4. Give thanks for everything. Because even if times are rough right now, God is giving us a foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

And if you’re feeling down about your own situation, then that’s the time we need to take the focus off ourselves, and focus on someone else.  Give to someone else.  If you don’t have money, then give your time, bake something, write a note.

If you are blessed this year, sharing time with family and friends, then share those blessings with someone else. Rejoice in what God has provided.  And guess what?  It’s still the time to pray daily, trust God, know God is with us in these happy times, and give thanks for everything.

It’s the little things that count.  Share a smile, give a hug… and continue to trust without borders.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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