Perspective for the New Year

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There’s nothing like gaining perspective and an attitude adjustment on the first day of the new year.  Tragically, my husband and I lost a dear friend from our church life group the morning of January 1st.  We were shocked and saddened to receive the news. Our friend was a wonderful, kind man, and he will be missed deeply, especially by his wife.

He was feeling poorly that morning, but he must have known what was happening, before his heart gave out, because his last words to his wife were “I love you.”

Our friend’s favorite verse was a lot of people’s favorite, Jeremiah 29:11.

Today, I take comfort in Jeremiah 29:11 and in knowing the sweet final words this precious husband and wife shared together.

So, on this 7th day of the new year, we’ve already experienced a tragic loss, and a great high as we celebrated my husband’s birthday with our children and their spouses here together. The roller coaster of life continues. And God’s plans continue, whether we understand them or not.

Again, like in December 2012, when we lost another dear friend to cancer, I don’t know how we’d get through these events in life without our friends, without the support system, and dear ones to lean on.

So, as we’re here to do the work God calls us to do, and the days are hectic, and there are deadlines, family commitments, and everything else, we need to remember God has plans for all of us. And he brings people into our lives to share in the journey. Enjoy your friendships, share this life, and know that we’re on this roller coaster ride together.

It hurts when we lose someone, but I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have known my friend.

Onward we go for His glory!

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1 Comment

  1. Ellen Ellwood

    Amen, sister!


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