I saw a quote this week from a friend on Facebook:  Whatever happened to being in the moment when you do something?

It got me to thinking.  Are we all so busy multi-tasking that we forget to be in the moment?  To enjoy what’s going on right this minute?

I know some of us are always thinking about tomorrow, about the step or even the next item on our list? We’re planning, organizing and thinking about the future.  

Believe me, there’s nothing wrong with planning and organizing.  Sometimes that helps us enjoy what’s yet to come.

But is your ear so glued to your cell phone, that even when you’re checking out at the grocery store, you can’t put the darn thing down to say hello to the cashier and thank the teenager who’s bagging your groceries?  Or even just to focus on the task of unloading your grocery cart with more than one hand? (Can you tell this is one of my pet peeves?)

How many of us are truly appreciative of today, of this moment?  In this moment, I’m doing something I love (writing on my blog).  I am in my beautiful home actually enjoying the rainy weather.  God is good, because I’m able to do this.

Even if you’re not at the perfect job, or your kids are driving you crazy, or you’re facing illness or problems… isn’t it time to take a look around? To be thankful that you have a job, that you are blessed with children, and that good doctors are all around us?

I’ve had cancer twice and God still wants me here.  So while I’m here on this earth, I want to be present in every moment.  Even in the routine, like going to the grocery store, I want to stay involved with what I’m doing. If nothing else, just to be courteous to those around me, standing in line behind me, or working hard as they ring up my grocery total and put my items in bags.

The reality is, no matter what we’re doing, it’s best if we only do one thing at a time before moving on to the next project.  I know I’m a better worker when I do that.

So, take a moment today to look around. Quit multi-tasking so much and enjoy right where you are, right now.  

Stay in the present.  Remember the quote from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

I, personally, don’t want to miss a thing!

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