I’m not sure what to write these days. This post is a day late already.

Right now, the world is dealing with the Coronavirus, more formally known as Covid-19. And part of me wants to be cautious and not fall into panic mode. And part of me is nearly rolling my eyes at all of the hysteria out there. However, I don’t want to be stupid about this.

I know folks who have underlying health issues and this can be serious. So, please know, I’m not trying to underestimate the situation. However, panic accomplishes NOTHING. We don’t make smart decisions in panic mode.

So, since the theme on TalkingAmongFriends.com this week seems to be finding the balance, then that’s what we need to do when the world goes crazy (whether we’re right or wrong in the decisions being made right now).

It’s time to find the balance between caution and hysteria. This whole thing almost seems too surreal, like a bad Hollywood movie. Yet, here we are.

I have two pieces of advice:

First, take a breath. Slow down. Don’t get sucked in to media hysteria, but find as much factual information as you can, then make the best decisions you can make for you and your family. Do the best you can and leave the rest to God.

And that leads to advice item #2: Pray. God isn’t surprised by any of this. And no matter what happens, I have faith in him. I pray for the virus to stop. I pray that our economy stays strong or bounces back quickly. But mostly, I pray for family, friends and neighbors. Maybe through all of this craziness and uncertainty, we can find ways to connect with our family and friends. We can help our neighbors if they haven’t been able to get to the grocery store.

We can trust that God has this under control.

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