by Rebecca Yauger | Dec 17, 2013 | choices, Christmas, focus on today, thankfulness
Well, after my blog post last week and slowing down and keeping things simple, it turns out I’m not doing a very good job in following my own advice. I’m stressing today with a very long list of things to accomplish before Christmas. Then it struck...
by Rebecca Yauger | Dec 10, 2013 | blessings, choices, focus on today, gratitude, living for today, look around, reflections, small moments, thankfulness, time together, today
Last week, I talked about finding peace during the holiday season. Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you ask for. In this case, it’s all positive. I live in the Dallas area, and last week, the great ice storm of 2013 hit. The picture below is the view...
by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 24, 2013 | gratitude, thankfulness, walk worthy
Just some brief thoughts today on having a spirit of gratitude. I had the pleasure of speaking at my local ACFW chapter this past weekend, the DFW Ready Writers, now DFW-ACFW. And in my closing remarks, I spoke about working with a spirit of thankfulness.Sometimes...