When You Are Tested by Your Own Words (Video and Text)

by | being tested, choose, trusting God, video | 2 comments

Do I really believe my own words?


Link to Video: HERE





Text to video:

Hey everyone. Hope you’re doing well.

I was reading over my old blogs on and don’t you just love it when your own words come back to bite you? Yep, that’s what happened here. My blog from the end of June called “Living Fearlessly” talks about, you know, having faith, and God’s there, and you know, you can overcome anything.

I even quote Psalm 112. This is verses seven through eight from the NLT Version and says, “They do not fear bad news. They confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly.”

Well, yay! That’s all encouraging and I’m glad I wrote it. And then, you know, won’t you know God is going to now test me on that. That’s a little tough some days. Again, your words come back to bite you. So, do I believe what I’m writing? Do I believe in the encouragement that I put out on my blog? Yes I do. I don’t always want to be tested on it, to be really honest, but it is a reminder that tough times are coming.

We’re in the middle of a tough time. We know that with the pandemic and everything going on. Many of us are facing personal difficult times and that’s what I talk about this week on my blog. You know people have lost jobs, they’ve lost loved ones, they are facing a scary diagnosis. I’m kind of facing a personal issue, too, that’s not going to go away anytime soon.

So, am I going to live fearlessly? Am I going to trust boldly and confidently that God’s got this? Not that I want to be tested, but this is where in praying every day, we can rise above and I can try to face this as confidently as I can. Because you do have to believe every single day God’s there. And God’s in charge.

So I hope you feel that. I hope you are filled with that peace, and that knowledge, and we’re going to get through this.

Take care everyone, and we’ll talk to you again soon.

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  1. Stacy Tsakonas Simmons

    Prayers and hugs, Becky. May things begin to ease in the near future.

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Thank you, Stacy. I’m trying to lay it all at God’s feet. I keep repeating to myself: Trust in Him always, all days.

      Take care! And thanks for commenting.


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