by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 25, 2013 | friendship, maintaining friends, movies, seasons
I’m dating myself, but one of my favorite movies is “The Four Seasons” from 1981 with Alan Alda, Carol Burnett, Rita Moreno and more. The movie is about three couples, all in their 40s with college-aged kids, who vacation together and share their...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 18, 2013 | blended families, blessings, small moments, step-children, time together
The last few blog posts have been about blending a family together. I’ve talked about the positives of this, because there are so many positives that come from opening your heart and making the choice to be a family. I will never know the feeling of being...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 11, 2013 | blended families, blessings, second marriages
(Note from Becky: This week’s post from Jude Urbanski discusses Second Chances with a second marriage. This really touched me personally. It’s so timely in today’s world. Thank you for sharing, Jude!)Second Chances by Jude UrbanskiThe words Isaiah...
by Rebecca Yauger | Jun 4, 2013 | blended families, blessings, step-children, step-parents
(Becky’s Note: Today’s Blended Family story comes from one of my favorite authors, Christina Berry. Christina wrote one of my favorite books “The Familiar Stranger.” It’s a must-read. On a personal note, her blended family story is...
by Rebecca Yauger | May 28, 2013 | blended families, step-children, step-parents
(Note from Becky: Today, I welcome Diana Brandmeyer to Talking Among Friends. She not only discusses her own blended family story, but shares details about the book she’s co-written called “We’re not Blended, We’re Pureed – A...