Reintroduction, Relaunch, Revival, Rejuvenation, renewal, Revitalization – whatever you want to call it, It’s a comeback!

It’s been much too long since I’ve blogged and it’s time to begin again. Since I’m starting over, perhaps a reintroduction is in order.

My name is Rebecca but my friends call me Becky. I am a writer (even when I slack off writing on this blog), and a podcaster/YouTuber with my friend Rebecca Reed. We review books and interview the authors. If you’re interested in what we’ve done, go to to see more.
I also work for American Christian Fiction Writers ( I’ve been a member of ACFW for 20 years (!!) and have worked for them for most of the last 16 years. Why did I say “most” of the last 16 years. Well, I did take a break for a while. And that break can also explain why I haven’t blogged consistently.

I went back to school. And 42 years after starting college, I finally received my bachelor’s degree. I now have a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Colorado Christian University. It felt good to finally reach that milestone, especially when I thought it was too late. But God usually has different ideas than our own!
Finishing school simultaneously burnt me out on writing and rekindled my love for it. School also opened me up to different forms of writing. With that, my writing trajectory has changed for now, and I’m on a different track.
If you want to hear more, then please sign up for my monthly newsletter. The link is at (if you’re not reading this from my website).

In the newsletter, I’ll share a bit more about my writing journey and future endeavors, as well as keep you updated on Rebecca and Rebecca. Plus share my random thoughts about family, joys, sorrows, cancer (I’m a 3x survivor), friendships and the ups and downs of life.
Oh yeah, I’ll probably share a bit more about my husband, kids, and my beautiful grandkids. They always make things fun.
I plan to blog once a month, but I may sneak an extra post in now and again, too. If you’ve read this far, thank you. Please take time to comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts on things as well.
Mainly this blog will be a place of encouragement and hope. No one should go through difficult stuff alone, and we should be able to share the good things with others, too. Let this be a place to encourage one another!