Why Can’t We Be Friends?

by | Uncategorized | 2 comments

I haven’t blogged in a while. Mainly because I don’t take the time. But I think there’s another reason. In looking at anything social media related right now, everything seems kind of ugly. We’re a divided world right now, where there’s no room to respectfully agree to disagree. Maybe that’s the key word: respect. And that’s what’s been missing. Respect for other people, and respect for their beliefs, even if they contradict your own.

I used to love hearing all sides of a debate. You learn so much that way! It may not have changed my own opinion or beliefs, but hopefully I had a better understanding of the other side of the issue. Then we could respectfully agree to disagree and move on. There wasn’t hatred or animosity toward another. There wasn’t this sense of “If you don’t agree with me, then you’re not a good person and I’m cutting you out of my life.”

It was interesting being friends and neighbors with those whose opinions didn’t completely line up with mine. And by being friendly, you could still learn and appreciate the others beliefs and opinions.

Nowadays, I almost don’t want to blog or share my thoughts. And the sad thing is, the few times I’ve truly opened up on my blog about a personal issue or something I was going through, was the time I received the most support and encouragement. I believe people want to be real with each other. They also want to know they aren’t alone, with whatever they’re going through.

But if you open up about your struggles, or your beliefs, will you also get skewered in the process? Is that worth a blog post? How do we be real with each other, without feeling like we have to hurt each other with hateful rhetoric?

When that happens, you tend to surround yourself with people only just like you and suddenly you’re in your own bubble, just to protect yourself. And it’s okay to surround yourself with people who hold your same beliefs. Right now, my life group from church is fantastic. I want to keep hanging with these folks, because we’re trying to do life together, to be there for each other and to share good and not-so-good times together. It’s what life is about.

However, if I never reach beyond these friends, to at least engage in conversation with others who have a different lifestyle or beliefs than me, then how can I ever learn about them, or show that while we may believe differently, we’re all human beings, sharing this earth, and those differences can make life interesting and fun.

We don’t have to be divisive. And we don’t have to be silenced, as I want to be sometimes with not posting on my blog. This blog is called “Talking Among Friends.” And it’s meant to be a place for conversation, even if you don’t agree with me. Can’t we hold diverse opinions and still be friends? If not friends, can we at least respectfully agree to disagree and continue to treat each other with kindness?

What do you think? Would love to hear your thoughts.

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  1. Heather Tipton

    I have a lot of friends with different views from my own. I love all of them. I try to live my life treating people the way I would want to be treated. That means not judging them, giving them grace, loving them, and listening to them even if you don’t agree with their view point. I am a very flawed human being. Despite the fact that I would like to think I know everything… I am very aware that I do not. To truly do life with someone you have to be willing to listen respectfully to their different view point… try to see things from their side.

  2. heatherdi

    I have a lot of friends with different views from my own. I love all of them. I try to live my life treating people the way I would want to be treated. That means not judging them, giving them grace, loving them, and listening to them even if you don’t agree with their view point. I am a very flawed human being. Despite the fact that I would like to think I know everything… I am very aware that I do not. To truly do life with someone you have to be willing to listen respectfully to their different view point… try to see things from their side.


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