Emerging into Hope

by | faith, grief, hope | 4 comments

It’s March, and that means a change of season. Daylight savings time will happen, then spring will arrive. There’s always a sense of freshness, of something new that comes with Spring. Easter fits right into the spring season as well — it’s a time of resurrection and hope.

Mom and Me (age 6)

This past season of winter was a difficult one. And it’s hard to emerge into spring, into hope, when the weight of grief still binds me to winter.

I lost my mom right before Christmas. Then one of Mom’s best friends passed right after Christmas. Then two of my friends each lost a parent during that time as well. It seemed like we were getting battered and beaten on all sides with waves of grief, sadness, and loss. How do you come out of that?

In some ways, it feels like time has stopped. You wonder how the rest of the world can move on, while you’re stuck in this time and place of loss. Tremendous loss.

But time doesn’t stop. It marches relentlessly forward and drags us along with it, whether we’re ready to go or not.

Part of me is ready to emerge from the shadows of grief. It’s dark here, and I’m ready for the light. My mother will always be with me, a part of my heart I treasure. As a Christian, I’m so happy she’s with Jesus. She gave so much here on earth, and her body and memories were failing her. She deserved her reward in heaven.

Ok, that’s better. My faith gives me hope. Hope that I’ll see Mom again, knowledge that she’s in a paradise we cannot imagine, and a deeper love because of all she taught me. I want to cling to that hope and emerge from the coldness of grief that weighs so heavy. Whether I’m ready or not, spring is coming. Rebirth, newness, freshness, and hope. Perhaps it’s time to cling to hope. I think Mom would approve.

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  1. Barb Arnold

    Absolutely beautiful dear Becky. Yes, we all have experienced grief and loss so thank you for offering this awesome perspective to help us handle it better n move forward with our loved one in our hearts forever ❤
    Love you cuz!!!

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Thanks for reading, Barb. Navigating grief is a challenging journey, but like my mother, I want to stay positive and hopeful. Love you much.

      • Denise Schreiner

        Faith, Hope, and Love. “But the greatest of these is Love.”

        She loved without reserve and without prejudice. The Love of God shown through her.

        I’ll always miss her.

        • Rebecca Yauger

          I’ll miss her, too. But faith, hope, and love are great reminders of Mom.

          Thanks for reading!


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