It’s not easy to live a fearless life – but isn’t that something we all long to do — live fearlessly?

I’m reading through Psalms right now, and I can’t stop thinking about Psalm 112, particularly verses 7-8 (NLT): “They do not fear bad news, they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly.” by Rebecca YaugerWe all want to have a life without fear, but that doesn’t seem possible, especially in the year 2020. With a pandemic, anger, a lack of respect or kindness for one another…how can we not be afraid?

It’s almost automatic to get caught up in the “what if” game. What if I get Covid? What if the pandemic gets worse instead of better? What if we never see an end to this pandemic? What if I express my thoughts about the unrest in the United States right now? What if I stay silent? What if everyone stays angry? What if this is the new normal? What if I never feel safe again?

These questions swirl in our minds, with no quick answers forthcoming. This leads to worry, even panic, and to letting fear win.

As I mentioned last week, I’ve had to shut off the news and turn to my Bible. Despite the craziness of the world right now, one thing stays the same: the Word of God. He’s still here, rock steady, like the highest mountain. It may be hard to feel His presence, but He’s here.

I’m reminded to put my focus on Him, to have faith. Those who have faith can do what Psalm 112 says – we can confidently trust the Lord, and be confident and by Rebecca Yauger

I’m the first to admit that his is much easier said than done. But in taking daily quiet times, and focusing on the unchanging word of God, then I can face today with confidence. I know He walks with me, even if I can’t feel Him.

Now’s the time to dig deep with your faith, to adjust your attitude, and to live with confidence, not fear.



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  1. Anne Mackie Morelli

    I am also turning to God’s Word and decreasing the amount of time I am watching the news. What I fill my mind with will determine how I am feeling and the degree of fear I experience. God’s Word is healing and has the power to bring peace, contentment, joy even in the midst of challenging times.

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Yes! I love what you say here: “God’s word is healing and has the power to bring peace, contentment, joy even in the midst of challenging times.” That’s so true! Thank you for your comment.

  2. Yvonne

    We can and must live fearlessly for God. The rewards are so worth the risk. Thanks

  3. Ava James

    Thank you for this great reminder!

  4. Jessica Brodie

    I’m a journalist, and I, too, have to shut off my news and cling to the Bible… the only truth any of us REALLY need! Thanks for this!

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Thank you, Jessica. It’s good to keep our focus on Him! Take care. And thank you for stopping by.


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