Positive Attitude TalkingAmongFriends.com by Rebecca Yauger

Attitude: It’s Your Choice (Video and Text)

by | choices, choose, hope, negativity, positive attitude | 5 comments

Positive Attitude TalkingAmongFriends.com by Rebecca Yauger

Choosing a Positive Attitude


Video Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qwez3ye7cvtffau/20200618_150631.mp4?dl=0



Text from Video:

Hi everyone. The last few weeks on TalkingAmongFriends.com, I’ve wrestled with the choices we make. Whether we choose to have hope or despair, and whether we’re choosing to listen, or we’re choosing to lash out in anger. And these choices are hard when the mood of the country is just so volcanic right now. Things are in such flux between the pandemic, and the riots, and the protests. It’s a difficult time. It’s a difficult time to have a positive attitude and I’m a big believer in attitude.

To me, attitude has always been half the battle. It helped me overcome a motorcycle accident in my younger, wilder days. It helped me overcome from cancer twice. I’m not saying it’s just my attitude alone. It’s prayer, and it’s God’s grace and bringing the right people into my life at the right time.

But attitude helps finding that resolve, finding that strength, finding a way to stay positive, even in the midst of all this chaos. I think it’s so important. If you’re lacking that positive attitude then pray about it, really think about it. Think about how you’re reacting to things and try to make the conscious choice to be positive, and to choose hope.

Stay well, my friends. We’ll talk to you soon. Thanks.

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  1. Michelle

    I also had a motorcycle accident in my wilder days. My head required 325 stitches. God saved my life.💖

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Wow, Michelle. God was with you. My helmet was scratched up, my main injuries were a compound fracture of my femur (four operations) and a banged up shoulder. But God is good, all the time!

      • Michelle

        Exactly. God is good all the time 🏍💖

  2. Jeanne Takenaka

    Becky, such good words here. When life spirals out of control, we can still choose our attitude, can’t we? When we choose a positive one, those “big bad’s” don’t look quite so unmanageable. I loved, loved your words!

    • Rebecca Yauger

      That means so much, Jeanne. The title of this blog is Talking Among Friends because I truly want it to feel like a conversation — and to say and write things that we can all relate to on life’s journey. Thank you for stopping by.



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