by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 2, 2014 | choices, faithfulness, friends, friendship, God is there, life, prayer, reaching out, support, True friends, trust
Our church just had a ladies retreat weekend. I wasn’t able to go, however, two of the ladies in my life group reported on the retreat. Sounds like I missed a good one. The theme was about being vulnerable. When we’re vulnerable and open to others, we...
by Rebecca Yauger | Mar 26, 2014 | blessings, discipline, discouragement, dreams, encouragement, faithfulness, just show up, prayer, walk worthy, work
We all have tough days. The difficult moments where we’re so frustrated at our jobs or reaching our goals that we can do nothing but sit down and cry. I had one of these days recently, where I felt so overwhelmed all I could do was cry, pray, and then push...
by Rebecca Yauger | Sep 17, 2013 | ACFW, ACFW conference, faithfulness, God is there, just show up, obedience
I’ve just returned from the wonderful American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference in Indianapolis. For full disclosure, I work for ACFW, but there’s a reason I work for them, and ran for and served on the operating board. I love this...