It’s been an interesting week.  I’m seeing the cycles of life, so to speak.  We received word that my aunt, who is in poor health, had taken a turn for the worst. Her kids and family were gathering around to spend time with her.  
A few days later, my husband and I attended a wedding – the joyous celebration of a young couple beginning their new life together. At the wedding, we spent time with friends that we don’t see often enough, unfortunately.
This year, we’ve enjoyed having a new member of our family, my niece’s son, born in January.  He’s my brother’s first grandchild, and my parents first great-grandchild.
Last weekend, my husband and I babysat our 2-year-old great nephew and had a blast.
Our son and his wife have moved to a new city, starting a new phase in their married life and with their careers.
The cycle of life is going strong right now. How many do we know that are fighting cancer, illness, financial difficulties, or celebrating weddings, pregnancies, births, and more?
It all makes me thoughtful and hopefully motivated to live each day to the fullest. None of us know how long we have on this earth. So, we need to spend it doing what God wants us to do, making time and spending time with friends, loving our families and not wasting a moment.
So when the various cycles of life hit, you can celebrate the highs, and have loved ones to cling to during the lows.
What are you doing to appreciate the little things in life? Do you have a church group or neighbors you are close to?  Is it time to call that friend and go have lunch or a cup of coffee? Share your thoughts on the highs and lows and how to make time for the important things.
Meanwhile, live life well… enjoy every moment.

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