A friend of mine was just diagnosed with DCIS. For those who don’t know, DCIS stands for Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ. If you have to get breast cancer, well, this is the one to get. It’s very treatable, very curable if caught early. My friend has had the biopsy, awaiting the MRI, then whatever treatment plan comes from there. I’m guessing lumpectomy and probably radiation.

She’ll do just fine. She has a strong faith, a wonderful family, and friends who will love and support her. She has a great sense of humor, too, which you definitely need.

She’s putting on a brave face, and she is brave, don’t get me wrong. But I also can see the fear in her eyes, and I know how overwhelming it all can be. I want to help her and support her. I want to reassure her she WILL get through all of this. I don’t know the best way to do this for her, but I guess number one is just to listen. When she wants to talk, let her talk.

Her experience will differ from mine, just because we’re different people. However, listening and being there is something we all can do for a friend, especially if we’ve been through the same thing.

I don’t want to smother my friend, nor do I want to ignore her. I want to reassure her — hold her hand, remind her that this is all treatable and survivable. After all, she’s now joined this exclusive club that none of us wanted to join. But here we are — Bosom Buddies, so to speak.

So as her Bosom Buddy, I’ll be there when she wants me there, and I’ll leave her be when she needs time on her own. Most of all, I’ll do my best to listen to her, pray for her, and just be a good friend.

I guess this is something we should do for all the people in our lives — be a friend.

Keep on truckin’ everyone!

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1 Comment

  1. Mindy Obenhaus

    I think you just came up with a great name for a great new ministry.


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