To follow-up on my post on Rediscovering Fierce Faith, I talk about having a stubborn faith in this video to help us through this pandemic (and more!).

(Please note, this originally posted on Instagram last week. I’m just slow on posting here on my blog page).

Thanks for checking in!  Text from video is below.

Video Link: CLICK HERE

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Stubborn Faith Video Text:

Hey everyone. On my most recent post on, I talked about a book that I’m rereading called Fierce Faith by Alli Worthington. And it’s a book about facing your fears and overcoming anxiety and wrestling with your worries.

Now, the first time I read this I was in caregiving mode. My parents had health issues, and my brother was battling cancer. All are well today, thankfully. At the time, I was going not only from house to house, but from state to state to help care for them.

Today, of course, we’re in a very different situation with this worldwide pandemic. I’m in a different place as I’m reading this book. And even though I’m doing okay. And I’m okay with this Shelter in Place Order. We’re very blessed my husband’s able to work from home I’m able to work from home, we’re still doing very well. There’s still some days that are harder than others, where I’m, I don’t know, sadder or more restless, or depressed, maybe some combination of the above. You know you just can’t go and do safely. So sometimes there’s a feeling of weariness that comes over you.

My church has been doing online daily devotionals and the pastor this one day, talked about stubborn faith. And that really resonated with me: stubborn faith. Maybe because I never realized that stubbornness might be a good trait after all, something positive to have. And I realized it’s going to take a stubborn faith or a fierce faith to get us through this pandemic, even though there are tough days, the days where I do feel weary, or even feel a little sad.

Those are the days that you need to turn to the one who’s really control, you need to turn to God. And God will give you the strength you need to get through this. Now what I’ve learned is that he’s not going to give you the strength you need all at once to get through this entire pandemic. He’s going to give you the strength you need for today. It’s like when he provided manna. He provided food for the Israelites in the desert. He only gave them a daily portion. He didn’t give them any to store up.

I think that’s what we need to remember now. We need to go to God daily and ask for the portion of strength we need to get through today.  I’ll worry about tomorrow when the dawn comes. I just need to get through today, and I need to get through today with God’s help, trusting that God’s in control, trusting He has a plan and he’s still here for us. And he’s going to give me that fierce stubborn faith to get through this today. Something to think about. Anyway, take care of yourselves. Stay well, and we’ll see you next time on

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