If you’re like me, you know several people who choose “one word” for the year and try to live by that word. I’ve done it myself. Many are talking about it now as we’re preparing to go into the new year.
This has got me thinking (always a dangerous thing! :)) There’s a song out now that keeps echoing in my head:

“When you don’t know what to say, just say Jesus. There’s power in the name….”

Last year, my word was “shine.” I wanted to shine Christ through me and shine in all I did, I wanted to make sure my focus was on Him.

And every time I felt like I was failing, or when I was having a bad day, I would pray. And the first word out of my mouth was “Jesus.”

I had already picked out my word for 2015, which was “time.” You know, time for God, time for others, better time management at work. You get the idea. The thing is, none of that can be accomplished without Jesus first.

While it’s great to ponder whatever word is on your heart for the new year, or if you don’t utilize “one word”, let’s not forget to name the most important: Jesus. Nothing we want to accomplish in the new year can be done without Him.

So perhaps, every year, every month, every day, we already know what our “one word” should be: Jesus.

Wishing you many blessings for 2015.

Stay focused on the one who saved us.

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  1. anemulligan

    I had a wonderful sounding, spiritual word and then God said, “Mary.” I got it. I’m such a Martha and charge into the “must do” of the day before spending time with God. So, in the New Year, that’s my goal, before email or writing. Shall we hold each other accountable, my friend?

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Oh my friend,

      Sounds like we both need to take time and do what God wants us to do, and not always charge into the day. You know where to find me if we need to lean on each other and encourage each other.

      Glad you stopped by and visited my blog!

      Happy 2015 to you.

  2. writercatherine

    Yes, I’d been thinking my word should be Jesus. Life has been chaotic and painful, so often my cry is Jesus!

    • Rebecca Yauger

      Thank you for stopping by. As the old hymn says “Turn your eyes upon Jesus…” I think we all need to have Him as a our focus day to day.
      Have a blessed 2015!


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