It’s the holidays.

And for many, it’s a time of food, fun, and family gatherings – whether it’s your blood family or a family of friends.

It can also be a time of stress, sadness, and discouragement. And many wish we could just jump ahead to January.

Truthfully, I’m a mixture of both. For example, I love the Christmas season. I love the decorations, the celebrations, the silly Christmas movies, and listening to Christmas music while I work.

But sometimes, I don’t like the day itself – with awkward family dynamics, or someone complaining that something isn’t perfect, or someone else feeling left out.

There can be a riot of emotions happening, and those can bubble over into arguments and painful words that can’t be unspoken. Joy can be sucked out way too quickly through judgment, past hurts, or present pain.

Thankfully, since becoming a grandmother, the joy of the holidays is coming back. My faith also helps me find the joy as I focus on the reason for the season. This helps me pray through the tension that may appear as well.

Wherever you are or whatever you feel about the holidays, I pray you find peace. Sometimes that’s what is missing from all of the chaos – a sense of peace, hope, and contentment.

Pray for those you know are struggling. Rejoice with those who have joy. And keep searching for peace to share with everyone.

Let’s encourage one another.

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