by Rebecca Yauger | Jul 2, 2014 | blessings, family, family ties, Guest Post, relationships, reunions
A note from Becky: As a lot of you know, I come from a large extended family, and enjoy time with them, as well as with my husband’s family. Summer time seems to bring out the occasions of family gatherings, including graduations, weddings and family...
by Rebecca Yauger | Oct 8, 2013 | ancestors, aunts, cousins, family, family ties, history, reunions, uncles
Families can be complicated, can’t they? We feel lost if we don’t have them, yet sometimes, well…Recently, my family had our annual Cousin Reunion. A reunion of cousins, you may ask? Yep. You see, there are a whole bunch of us. 56 first cousins. ...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 23, 2013 | choose, family, reconnecting
Note from Becky: I’m so pleased to welcome fellow writer from ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), Joi Copeland, who is my guest blogger today. Following my blog post last week about reconnecting with my brother, Joi shares a story about her uncle...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 19, 2013 | coming soon, family, reconnecting, siblings
Please check back this coming Tuesday, 4/23 for a wonderful post by guest blogger, Joi Copeland. Following this last Tuesday’s post about reconnecting with my own brother, Joi tells the story of how her uncle reconnected with her father. See you Tuesday! Joi...
by Rebecca Yauger | Apr 16, 2013 | family, friends, siblings
Relationships are a choice… yes even family relationships. It’s said that you can’t help the family in which you’re born, but you can help how you treat those family members. And you can help how you react when you feel you’ve been...
by Rebecca Yauger | May 10, 2010 | breast cancer, faith in Christ, family, recovery, scars, surgery
Scars. I don’t think there are any of us who haven’t dealt with scars one way or the other — whether physical scars or emotional ones. Right now, I think I’m wrestling with both.I’m used to scars. I was in a motorcycle accident when I was...