Expect the Unexpected

The words "expect the unexpected" should be a familiar phrase to most of us.  It illustrates what life is all about.  Just when we think things are routine or even boring... BAM!  Something unexpected comes along. Most who know me, know that I'm a big fan of tennis....

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Saluting my Children on Mother’s Day

Mother's Day weekend just passed and during this time of honoring my Mom, I'm also thankful to be a Mom. But me being a Mom is tribute to my kids. As most of you know, I married a widower who had two children. So, I became an instant Mother on my wedding day. We've...

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The Need for Community

This blog is entitled "Talking Among Friends" for a reason.  I want it to be a safe place to talk about friendships, relationships and life in general.  Originally, this blog started out as "Rebecca's Journey," where I wrote about my experience with cancer. After a...

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Being Vulnerable — It Can Be a Good Thing

Our church just had a ladies retreat weekend. I wasn't able to go, however, two of the ladies in my life group reported on the retreat.  Sounds like I missed a good one. The theme was about being vulnerable.  When we're vulnerable and open to others, we also learn...

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The Tough Days

We all have tough days.  The difficult moments where we're so frustrated at our jobs or reaching our goals that we can do nothing but sit down and cry. I had one of these days recently, where I felt so overwhelmed all I could do was cry, pray, and then push through...

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Finding the Balance

I'm busy right now -- like most people these days.   There are times when I feel completely overwhelmed, but if I break it down, there's a lot of time wasted in my day. Social media is one time-sucker.  I enjoy Facebook.  I love that a lot of my cousins, extended...

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We Need Each Other

I spent this evening attending a book signing for one of my author friends.  She previously had an e-book released, but this was her first print book, one I know she has worked on a long time.  It was wonderful to celebrate her release day with her. What was even...

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Bloom Where You’re Planted

In watching the Winter Olympics over the past few weeks, it struck me that many of these athletes more than likely became athletes because of where they were born or living at the time they became passionate about their sport. I know that's not always true -- examples...

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Can You Be an Inspiration?

The Winter Olympics are happening, and yes, I'm watching.  I love the inspiring and uplifting stories, the competition, patriotic pride and more.To see athletes achieve their lifelong goals along side those who are just happy to be in Sochi right now is heartwarming. ...

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Discipline — part 2

Last week, I wrote a post entitled "Discipline is not a dirty word."  You can find it here: http://talkingamongfriends.com/2014/01/28/discipline-is-not-a-dirty-word/I received some good, thought provoking responses to that blog that I'd like to share:"'Discipline' is...

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