So, here I sit, one-year later…. one year of being cancer free and adjusting to my new body. But how well have I really adjusted to my new life?

After surviving a life-threatening disease, you come out of it renewed, ready to live life to the maximum. You’re ready to fulfill your purpose. I wanted to awaken each day and fulfill what God’s plans were for me.

And I think I’m failing at that miserably…

More often than not, I’m the queen of procrastination. My main goal in life is to be a writer. I’ve started three books, but have yet to finish them. I even refer to myself as a writer, however it seems I’m doing anything but that. I am very involved in ACFW, which is American Christian Fiction Writers ( Being around those other writers is inspiring and makes me feel like I truly belong. Here in DFW, we have a local ACFW chapter, which is the DFW Ready Writers (waving to you all!). It’s wonderful to be friends with other writers, as we all understand each other, and know that it’s okay to have voices in your head! (As in, our characters are usually talking to us!). I’m blessed with all of these people.

But I feel like I’m blowing my opportunities! I’m wasting the time I’ve been given, and letting all my other “jobs” get in the way. Being on the board of ACFW is just an excuse not to write. I’m doing everything in and around the writing world, except for writing! I’m very frustrated with myself.

My local writing buddies: RK, MO, JO, LG, KG, and JT are terrific and inspiring. I just hope they don’t give up on me as I work my way through this avoidance or procrastination… whatever it is that’s stopping me these days.

Oh yeah, I’m moving this weekend…But that’s just another excuse.

I said to myself I’ll write after I heal from my surgery, or when I’m finished with my term on the board of ACFW, or I’ll write after I get moved and settled, or I’ll write after our national conference in a few weeks. It’s like I’m waiting for everything to line up perfectly so I can sit down and write.

Well, life isn’t going to wait on me. So, why am I waiting on life to do what I really want to do? Especially after last year — You think I would’ve learned something. I should be living my life fully. Everyone should be…

Don’t wait on life. It’s always going to be a little messy and there will always be something that comes up and interrupts your schedule. We just need to work through that. I want to do the work that God has called me to do. So, I pray that my local writing buddies will bear with me — that they will continue to support me and even kick my backside on occasion to keep me going.

Isn’t that what friends are for?

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1 Comment

  1. Nate

    i know what you mean becky i feel the same way about playing jazz i recently decided that every morning right after breakfast i would start by playing 5 minutes of jazz. Just one song. I love it. Maybe that would work for you too. Don't get discouraged.


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