Last week, I talked about “Digging deeper” with friendships. That seemed to be something that at least a few of us can relate to.

Well, over the weekend, I did some reaching out of my own. I am a proud member of American Christian Fiction Writers ( and in the spirit of full-disclosure, I also work for them. I work for ACFW because I love the organization. I’d still be a member even without being employed by them.

I like ACFW because it is an organization that encourages and supports writers. We cheer each other on and we want to see all of us succeed in publishing the stories God’s given us to write. We all have stories to tell and we all want to succeed. Instead of fostering a spirit of competitiveness, ACFW fosters a spirit of support and of “we’re all in this together.”

With that in mind, I reached out via Facebook and on the ACFW loop for help in naming my blog and for help in “liking” my author page on Facebook (, in case you’re interested). And without hesitation, without question, the “likes” drastically increased, and name suggestions for this blog increased as well.

I tried to take the time to thank everyone individually for “liking” my page. Hope I didn’t miss anyone, because I truly appreciated it and was touched that they would do this.

Any one in the writing business, knows it’s tough to develop an author “platform” and create that place where readers can find you. It’s all about making those connections. It’s a bit daunting, because writers would rather write, and not promote.

However, a comment from one of my writing friends brought me to tears. When I thanked her for the “like”, she responded: “Of course! You’re always so helpful to everyone else, time we helped you! Blessings and Joy.”

That statement alone epitomizes how I feel about ACFW, and my other favorite writing group My Book Therapy ( It’s all about helping each other and supporting each other.

How would our lives be if we did this in the world around us? If we fostered a spirit of encouragement and support?

I can only hope and pray my writing, and more importantly, my friendship and relationships with others, will be a blessing to them. But today is a day when I feel overwhelmed with blessings.

So, what would happen if you took a chance and reached out? If you confided in a friend this week about an issue you were having? Do you think there would be an opportunity to bless each other?

Take a chance and let me know. This is a place where we can share. How can we take that first step together and reach out?

(Image courtesy of twobee/

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1 Comment

  1. Denise

    Reaching out to you over what is becoming our “regular” cousin brunch, gave me the opportunity to reach out to you about an opportunity / dilemma that I was having. Went home the same day, and purchased tickets to go home to Vegas for a week to be with my Dad and Friends and visit Mom's grave. What a special relationship we have! I love you Becky Yauger


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